Shanta Gabriel
Welcome. I'm Shanta Gabriel, author of The Gabriel Messages.
Spiritual Counseling Sessions
Divine Intelligence is empowering all that you do!
Humanity is entering a new 26,000-year cycle as prophesied by many indigenous peoples including the Maya, the Hopi, and Australian aboriginal tribes, among others. To support people in this challenging time of evolutionary change, I am offering Spiritual Counseling Sessions.
These sessions are based on my more than 45 years of spiritual practice and wisdom studies, including ancient yogic philosophy, Hindu sacred sound practices and group prayers, Tai Chi and Chi Qung, Sufi practices and sacred movement, Holistic Health and Energy healing, Yoga Teacher Certification, Unity Metaphysical training, and Heart-Brain Science. My life has been dedicated to evolution and spiritual service.
What to expect…
During a session, we will be surrounded in an electromagnetic field of healing love, made from the Living Light of Divine Substance.
This prayer activity will lift our vibrational frequency so that we have connection with frequencies and dimensional fields beyond our daily awareness. From that place, we are then able to gain an expanded spiritual perspective on life that goes beyond normal awareness.
The truth is, there is always a spiritual answer for every question.
Sometimes this may not be the answer you are looking for; yet receiving it into your heart makes a big difference in how you feel about your life.
To start, these new sessions will be offered on a sliding scale. My goal is to help remove barriers to working together during this empowered time of dimensional shifts.
The process…
I will ask you to send me an email describing the challenges you are facing and what you need in life.
We will schedule a time for an hour’s private session. You will also receive a recorded MP3 that will lift your consciousness, increase your frequency, and present a spiritual perspective for you to integrate into your life.
Session Fee
Sessions are offered on a sliding scale.
One-hour phone session $75 – $111
If you have the means and would like to offer an additional donation to pay forward for others, we will gratefully receive.
If you have questions, please contact me at shantagabriel@gmail.com
- Light Activation Sessions to bring Light into every cell to bring higher frequencies for healing.
- Spiritual Counseling Sessions are based on my more than 45 years of spiritual practice and wisdom studies, including ancient yogic philosophy, Hindu sacred sound practices and group prayers, Tai Chi and Chi Qung, Sufi practices and sacred movement, Holistic Health and Energy healing, Yoga Teacher Certification, Unity Metaphysical training, and Heart-Brain Science. My life has been dedicated to evolution, spiritual service and transformation.
- Forest Bathing on Martha’s Vineyard. Group and private session at Polly Hill Arboretum.
- Also on Martha’s Vineyard, Tarot Sessions for greater Support during the fast moving times we live in now.
- ShantaGabriel@gmail.com for more information about local loving sessions with Shanta
For decades I've drawn inspiration and guidance from the angelic dimensions. I've also studied with some of the world's greatest wisdom teachers.
My life's mission is to have deep a connection with Source energy within me and share inspiration with others,
so each person has their own personal experience with the Divine.
I believe we are here to create peace in our own lives and in our communities to bring more peace to the world.
I'm at your service and look forward to supporting your journey.
Private Sessions
Work with me one-on-one. In all private sessions, first we do an energy reading to clarify where you are now. Then I make suggestions to fit your lifestyle and open you to new inspiring possibilities. I support individuals with simple tools using the power of Divine Light to enhance their well-being. Clients report a greater sense of peace within and a closer connection with their own Divine Wisdom.
The Gabriel Messages
The Gabriel Messages is a book of timeless wisdom. Open it anywhere to receive a message of personal guidance, understanding and truth. This book of inspired communication from Archangel Gabriel, ignites the spark of hope in the heart of those seeking peace in their lives, empowering readers with compassionate words of understanding and healing during these changing times of the 21st century.
Light Activation Sessions
Remote healing sessions by telephone.
Experience a long-distance Light Activation Healing Session with Shanta in the comfort of your home.
This remote energetic healing session will accelerate an inner shift to Well-being and jumpstart your connection to your Higher Self and your Soul Purpose. The alignments activated through your private session will help clear away old patterns of thought, as well as feelings that do not align with your new sense of a higher vibrational self that can thrive in a 5th Dimensional reality.
Home Study Program
The World Needs Beacons of Light ~ Including You
Dive into a focused immersion into Light — featuring instruction from master teacher Shanta Gabriel, with inspired teachings and transmissions from the Archangels of Light. To empower your ascension process, our program offers recordings from the live classes, guided meditations from each Archangel represented in the chakra system, inspiring study materials, 2 live Zoom calls, access to Shanta by email for Q&A, and spiritual community.
About Shanta Gabriel
Compassionate Wisdom for Changing Times
Shanta Gabriel has been an energy healer for over 40 years. As an author and teacher, her life is devoted to Bridging Heaven and Earth by embodying and teaching about Divine Light.
She began her studies with an Indian Shaktipat master of the ancient Science of Sound in 1977, Dhyanyogi Madhusudandas. It is from this initiation, with the inspired ancient practices that she received and has used for 40 years, that makes up the transmissions she offers to others in her programs.
Her work with the Archangels began in 1988. She shares this work through alignment, immersion, and transmissions from the Archangels through her classes, membership groups and private sessions. Her mission is to facilitate and invite people into a direct experience of Infinite Intelligence and Divine Love.
From the Harmonic Convergence in 1987 more Divine Light has descended to the Earth than ever in history, creating the greatest awakening of consciousness of all time. Since 2012 the dimensions have been shifting to allow all of us more access to the realms of Light where we can receive more Illumination, Peace, Love and Wellbeing. This often requires a new way of perceiving the world that we are living in, one that allows for the magic of synchronicities to inspire us, and more faith to guide us.
“But we are definitely not alone in the process,” Shanta says. “And that is why I am so excited to offer new opportunities to recreate your life using the power of Divine Light. This has been true not only in my life but in the lives of all humanity. The Archangels have opened new doors to your freedom and to your ability to receive from the Divine Essence they represent for your life. I would love to share that inspired Wisdom and Support with you.”